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Re: SF vs. Seul (was:CVS and other hosting issues)
Maybe this is a lame idea, but why don't we put it up to a vote and
put this to rest? Folks could post their pros and cons (we've already
seen a few good ones) and say on next Wed (if we need to give it that
long) we can tally votes. It's simple and we can move on to other things.
If everyone has said their peace we could vote now.
Amoung other the other things, does anyone have a clear idea of how to
implement configurable game behavior? (i.e. PC style/C64 style/Ronen
style/Joe User style) Do we just want canned defaults, files to edit, or
a runtime options GUI where you can change everything? Also, if we are
going to and Xarchon2 as a separate mode in the same program, will that
make these configurable options (speed/damages/etc) more difficult?
I like the idea of having them all in the same program and I'd love to
have loadable/tailorable behaviors), but I have a feeling it could make
the interface a little messy if each game is too tailorable. Thoughts?
Am I wrong?