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Re: problems starting new game
>this is Helge from germany! (Wanna' say SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH befor I
>start - I'm
>just a stupid german Linux newbie! ;)
Gruesse, Helge! Wilkommen nach XArchon!
Your English is fine and I'm sure you're not stupid. Linux is not easy to
learn, though many of us hope it will be someday!
>if I start the game an then click on 'new' the game vanished from my screen!!!
>I tryed starting the game from the terminal-emulation from KDE and then there
>was an error message:
>canvas_font_load(): cannot load font
I'm happy to say I know of a solution for your problem, though sadly it has
not been fixed yet. The font is hardcoded in the source, which is why the
game crashes if you don't have it.
You will have to download the source and recompile the game. It's not that
hard to do, and if you have any trouble just let me know.
When you get the source from the xarchon website, look for the file
Somewhere around line 30 of board.c you will find this:
#define FONT_NAME
Change that to a font you have on your system.
Antonio Leal had your problem with Mandrake 7 and this was his solution:
>I changed the #define to
>`misc-fixed-medium-*-normal-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1' and it works.
Antonio, you mentioned that you might try to make the game look for a font
on the local system. Did you have any success with that? Has anyone else
looked into it?
- Mike
Ed Herman in his book "The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and
Propaganda" points out that states often engage in "wholesale" terror,
while those whom governments define as "terrorist" engage in "retail"