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Re: [f-cpu] VHDL and delay estimation

Michael Riepe a écrit :

             if (EffSub = '1') then
                 My  := not My;
                 grs := not grs;
             end if;

I would count it as d=2, t=2 from any of the three signals.
ok that much!!

and for:

             if (ReprB (REPRES_NORMALISED) = '1') then
               Mb(M_SIZE)           := '1';
               Mb(M_SIZE)           := '0';
             end if;



No additional delay from ReprB (REPRES_NORMALISED).

next one:
how much this function cost
procedure fpu_rshift(F : in std_ulogic_vector; N: in std_ulogic_vector;
G : in std_ulogic_vector;
Y : out std_ulogic_vector; B : out std_ulogic_vector;
s : out std_ulogic
) is
constant LF : natural := F'length;
constant LN : natural := N'length;
constant LY : natural := Y'length;
constant LB : natural := B'length;
constant LG : natural := G'length;
constant L : natural := LG+LF+LB;
variable gg : std_ulogic_vector(LG-1 downto 0) := G;
variable ff : std_ulogic_vector(LF-1 downto 0) := F;
variable yy : std_ulogic_vector(L-1 downto 0);
variable ss : std_ulogic;
constant default_bit : std_ulogic := '0';
yy(L-1 downto LB) := gg(LG-1 downto 0) & ff(LF-1 downto 0);
yy(LB-1 downto 0) := (others => default_bit);
ss := '0';
for i in 0 to LN-1 loop
if (N(i) = '1') then
-- reduce_or need a vector with size 4.n
if i=0 then
ss := ss or yy(0);
elsif i=1 then
ss := ss or yy(0) or yy(1);
ss := ss or reduce_or(yy(2**i-1 downto 0));
end if;
yy(L-2**i-1 downto 0) := yy(L-1 downto 2**i);
yy(L-1 downto L-2**i) := (others => default_bit);
end if;
end loop;
Y := yy(LF+LB-1 downto LB);
B := yy(LB-1 downto 0);
end procedure

Too much. Shifting itself takes d=LN/t=LN (wire delay not counted) but the successive calculation of `ss' is too heavy. Its delay becomes higher with every step of i, for a total of approximately d=16/t=16 when LN=6.
in fast, s will be the sticky bit, ie the or on every droped bit by the shifter (used latter by the rounding step). But i have a stage between... so will the reduce_or function on a max 24bit vector (or 53) fit in one stage? I think so but i'm not sure...

it's the right shifter (N is at max 6 bit sized)
it also the same thing as

if (N(0) = '1') then
yy(L-1) := G;
yy(L-2 downto 0) := F(L-1 downto 1);
yy := F;
end if;
if (N(5) = '1') then
yy(L-1 downto L-31-1) := (others => G);
yy(L-32-1 downto 0) := yy(L-1 downto 32);
end if;

The true question is: after these 3 steps (MSB, not and shift) do i have enought place to put a n-bit half adder (1xor deep)...????

I don't think so. Actually, if you calculate `ss' like this, it won't fit even without the half adder. But I don't know what's around the circuit. Maybe there is room somewhere else.
The shifter is really long... I don't see any way to improve it (for the version without the ss calculation).

Again, thanks for your help, F-team!


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~~ Gaetan ~~

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