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Re: gEDA-user: Size of symbols on gschem

On Sun, 07 Sep 2008 13:08:14 -0400, stevenstock-j9pdmedNgrk wrote:

> I am considering writing a Perl program to walk the library directories
> and do a mass resizing of all symbols but it strikes me there has to be
> a better way to get more symbols on a page.
> Can you tell me a better way?

Choose a larger title block:

1) select the title block (zoom way out and drag while holding the left 
mouse button)

2) delete the title block (press del])

3) insert a larger title block from the library. If E size is still too 
small, draw your own monster sized title block.

If you settled for a specific title block, you can set this as default 
for new schematics. Scan your system-gschemrc for the string 
"titleblock". Copy the line that defines the default title block to your  
local $HOME/.gEDA/gschemrc.

I have this line included in my $HOME/.gEDA/gschemrc:

(define default-titleblock "titleblock "title-A3-2.sym")

Note, this is a special title block symbol not in the default library. It 
contains attributes like author and date. You can find it on my section 
of gesasymbols.org.

Kai-Martin Knaak

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