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Re: gEDA-user: More trouble with gsch2pcb...

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Friday 12 September 2008 15:52:19 David Kuehling wrote:
>> If I load such a netlist into PCB, it doesn't complain.  But on
>> saving and re-opening my layout, it reports a syntax error for a
>> line:
>> Net("\_RESET\_" "(unknown)")

> Well, that's *very* odd, because I use such nets on a regular basis. I
> hope no-one's broken it recently, or I will wash my keyboard in tears
> of frustration as I manually fix my many, many PCB projects...!

> Maybe if you can provide a testcase, someone might be able to track
> the problem down...

Here you go: point your web browser or SVN client to:


To reproduce the bug, just run the Makefile or execute "gsch2pcb
project".  Then load the resulting "bug01.pcb", load the netlist
"bug01.net", save the changes, and notice that the resulting .pcb file
is broken.  That broken file and the netlist are also available at the
above URL (bug01.pcb, bug01.net).  Created with Ubuntu 7.10.


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