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Re: gEDA-user: newbie library question

>>>>> "tj" == tj  <999alfred@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I asked a question earlier about oval pads and I have located what I
> am looking for as an example on the
> http://www.gedasymbols.org/footprints/newlib/tests/14DIP_oval_pad.fp
> page.  However once I download it, how do I add it to a library? Like,
> I want to put it in pcblib-newlib/generic library. 
> doesn't show up when running pcb.

I usually put newlib style elements in one of my project subdirectories,
and add them to my boards via menu "File >> Load element data to
paste-buffer", directly loading the elment file.  This way you don't
need any fancy configuration and you can freely sort and move around
your element files.

If you need gsch2pcb to find such elements, just add an 'elements-dir'
configuration line to the gsch2pcb project file.

Still this might no answer your question :)

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