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Re: Log analysis requirements

My current iptraf log analysis requirement:

- Summarize the bandwidth usage of each IP interface on the current

I envision running iptraf in daemon mode and simply parsing the IP
Monitor log file, spitting out totals per IP per protocol.

I've currently written a Perl script that, at this time, summarizes UDP
and TCP byte counts.  Other protocols will be added shortly, though I
really only plan on adding ICMP at this time (I'd need some sample log
file of other protocols, as I currently only have these three and don't
plan on going after others).

Longer term hope:
 - analysis engine (script, whatever) can be run in daemon mode
 - analysis engine causes iptraf to rotate logs, analyses and then
   deletes "old" logs
 - analysis engine can send summary data to:
      - file
      - database
      - URL


Greg Fenton

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