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Re: Servers Should Use a Secure Mix Algorithm

On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 15:38 +0000, Peter Hendrickson wrote:

> I think now is a good time to switch over to a secure mix algorithm.
> Nick Mathewson agreed with this suggestion and asked me to announce
> that it has his blessing.

pboxlevel3 ( switched 22:00 GMT 27/2/2002

Thera are no problem of compatability with node
with different algorithm?

Ciao.   Marco

> I've switched wiredyne over to what looks like the most serious mix:
> > #   (3. A BinomialDynamicPool mix is a randomized version of DynamicPool.
> > #       When a DynamicPool mix would send P of N messages, a
> > #       BinomalDynamicPool mix sends each message with probability P/N.)
> > #
> > MixAlgorithm: BinomialDynamicPool
> > MixInterval: 30 minutes
> > MixPoolRate: 50%
> > MixPoolMinSize: 5
> Using real mixes will give us a better feel for the performance of the
> real system.  It will also provide a real security service, modulo the
> software being in alpha.
> Peter

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