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Re: Some questions


* Thomas Hühn [Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 08:51:41PM +0100]:
> 1. Is there no way to specify a server in the path that is not (yet) in the
> directory? I tried the nickname (on localhost) and the DNS name of my node,
> to no avail. How do I test the node if it's not in the directory?

With the command `import-server'.

> 2. mixminionrc(5) has the example "ForwardPath: ~5,FavoriteExit"
> What is "FavoriteExit"? Can the user specify nodes as his favorite exit
> nodes?


> I didn't find any documentation about that. Is that a special symbol
> or just the name of a file that the user can create and fill with his
> preferred nodes?

It is a placeholder.