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[tor-commits] [translation/tsum] Update translations for tsum

commit e8836f9f038048976b66241d866e6a7c141d3b30
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Jul 21 16:15:21 2013 +0000

    Update translations for tsum
 he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml |    6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml b/he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml
index d198014..aea7132 100644
--- a/he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>×?פ×?×? ×?×?×?ר ×?×?צ×?×? <em>"Good signature"</em>. ×?ש×?×¢×?ת×? ש×? ×?ת×?×?×? רע×? ×?×?×? ש×?×?×?×? ש×?×?×? ×?×?×? ×?תעסק ×¢×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?. ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ת×? ר×?×?×?×? ×?ת×?×?×? רע×?, ש×?×?×? פר×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?ק×?×? ×?×?× ×? ×?×?ר×?ת×? ×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?×?, ×?×?צ×? ×?×?×?ת×? ×?ת ×?×?ת×?×?×?, ×?×?×? ×?×? ×?ת ×?פ×?×? ×?ת×?×? GnuPG ×?×?×?×?×´×? ×?×? help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>
     <p>Once you have verified the signature and seen the <em>"Good signature"</em> output, go ahead and extract the package archive. You should then see a directory similar to <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Inside that directory is another directory called <strong>Docs</strong>, which contains a file called <strong>changelog</strong>. You want to make sure that the version number on the top line of the changelog file matches the version number in the filename.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">×?×?צ×? ×?×?שת×?ש ×?×?×?×?×?×? Tor Browser Bundle</h3>
-    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
+    <p>×?×?×?ר ×?×?ר×?ת Tor Browser Bundle ×?×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?×?×?×?, צר×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×? ספר×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?ספר ק×?צ×?×? ×?ת×?×?×?. ×?×?×? ×?×? ×?ק×?צ×?×? ×?×?× ×? ×?ר-×?רצ×? ×?שר קר×?×? "×?ת×?×? ×?פ×?פ×? Tor" (×?×? "start-tor-browser", ת×?×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת ×?×?פע×?×? ש×?×?×?).</p>
     <p>When you start the Tor Browser Bundle, you will first see Vidalia start up and connect you to the Tor network. After that, you will see a browser confirming that you are now using Tor. This is done by displaying <a href="https://check.torproject.org/";>https://check.torproject.org/</a>. You can now browse the Internet through Tor.</p>
       <em>×?× ×? ק×?×? ×?תש×?×?ת ×?×?×?×? ×?×? × ×?×?×¥ שתעש×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?פ×?פ×? ×?שר ×?×? ×¢×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?, ×?×?×? ×?×?פ×?פ×? ×?×?ר ש×?×?×?.</em>
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>ק×?×¢ ×?×? ×?×¢× ×? ×¢×? ×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?×?×?ת ×?נפ×?צ×?ת ×?×?×?תר. ×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?ת×?×? ×?×?× ×? ×?×?פ×?×¢×? ×?×?×?, ×?× ×? ש×?×?×? ×?×?×?×´×? ×?×? help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>
     <h3 id="unable-to-extract-the-archive">×?×? ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¥ ×?ר×?×?×?×?</h3>
     <p>×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ת×? ×¢×?ש×?×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?ער×?ת ×?×?פע×?×? Windows ×?×?ת×? × ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?עת ×?×? ×?×?× ×?×? ×?ס×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¥ ×?ת ×?×?ר×?×?×?×?, ×?×?ר×?×?×? ×?×?תק×?× ×? ×?ת <a href="http://www.7-zip.org/";>7-Zip</a>.</p>
-    <p>×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?×? ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?ת 7-Zip, נס×? ×?שנ×?ת ×?ת ש×? ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?×? .z ×?×? .zip ×?×?שת×?ש×? ×?×?×?ש×?×? winzip ×?×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?ר×?×?×?×?. ×?ר×? ש×?× ×?×? ש×? ×?ק×?×?×¥, ×?×?ר×? ×?×?ער×?ת Windows ×?×?צ×?×? ס×?×?×?×?ת ק×?×?×¥:</p>
+    <p>×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?×? ×?ס×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?ת 7-Zip, נס×? ×?שנ×?ת ×?ת ש×? ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?×? .z ×?×? .zip ×?×?שת×?ש×? ×?×?×?ש×?×? winzip ×?×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?ר×?×?×?×?. ×?ר×? ש×?× ×?×? ש×? ×?ק×?×?×¥, ×?×?ר×? ×?×?ער×?ת Windows ×?×?צ×?×? ס×?×?×?×?ת ק×?×?×¥:</p>
     <h4 id="windows-xp">Windows XP</h4>
     <ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
       <li>פת×?×? ×?ת <em>×?×?×?ש×? ש×?×?</em></li>
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <h3 id="vidalia-asks-for-a-password">Vidalia ×?×?קשת ס×?ס×?×?</h3>
     <p>You should not have to enter a password when starting Vidalia. If you are prompted for one, you are likely affected by one of these problems:</p>
     <p><strong>You are already running Vidalia and Tor</strong>: For example, this situation can happen if you installed the Vidalia bundle and now you're trying to run the Tor Browser Bundle. In that case, you will need to close the old Vidalia and Tor before you can run this one.</p>
-    <p><strong>Vidalia crashed, but left Tor running</strong>: If the dialog that prompts you for a control password has a Reset button, you can click the button and Vidalia will restart Tor with a new random control password. If you do not see a Reset button, or if Vidalia is unable to restart Tor for you; go into your process or task manager, and terminate the Tor process. Then use Vidalia to restart Tor.</p>
+    <p><strong>Vidalia קרס×?, ×?×? ×?×?ת×?ר×? ×?ת Tor ×?×?רץ</strong>: ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?×? ש×?×? ×?שר ש×?×?×?ת ×?ת×?×? ×¢×?×?ר ס×?ס×?ת ×?קר×? ×?ש ×?×?צ×? ×?ת×?×?×?, ×?×?פשר×?ת×?×? ×?×?×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?×?×?צ×? Vidalia ת×?ת×?×? ×?ת Tor ×?×¢×?רת ס×?ס×?ת ×?קר×? ×?קר×?×?ת ×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?×? ר×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×? ×?ת×?×?×?, ×?×?×? ×?×? Vidalia ×?×?× ×? ×?ס×?×?×?ת ×?×?ת×?×? ×?ת Tor ×¢×?×?ר×?×?; ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×? ×?× ×?×? ת×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?ש×?×?×?ת, ×?ס×?×?×?×? ×?ת ×?ת×?×?×?×? Tor. ×?×?ר×? ×?×? תשת×?ש×? ×?ת×?×?× ×?ת Vidalia ×?×?×? ×?×?ת×?×? ×?ת Tor.</p>
     <p>×?×?×?×?×¢ × ×?סף, ר×?×? <a href="https://torproject.org/docs/faq.html#VidaliaPassword";>ש×?ת</a> ×?×?תר ×?רשת ש×? ×?פר×?×?ק×? Tor.</p>
     <h3 id="flash-does-not-work">Flash ×?×? פ×?×¢×?</h3>
     <p>×?×?×¢×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?×?×?, Flash, Java, ×?ת×?ספ×?ת ×?×?ר×?ת ×?× ×?×?ר×?×?ת × ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×¢×? Tor. ת×?ספ×?ת ×?×?פע×?×?ת ×?×?×?פ×? עצ×?×?×? ×?×? Firefox ×?×?ס×?×?×?×?ת ×?× ×?×? פע×?×?×?ת ×¢×? ×?×?ש×?×?×? ×?×?ר ×?שר פ×?×?×¢ ×?פר×?×?×?ת ש×?×?×?.</p>

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