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Re: [tor-talk] Question regarding forum software for use as a hidden service

On 03/15/2012 06:06 AM, andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 10:00:04AM +0000, jason.cooper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote 1.0K bytes in 30 lines about:
: So far the key issues standing out about forum software best suited
: for running a forum as a hidden service is
:   * it needs to be easy to security audit
:   * low bandwidth requirement (Use of CSS over images)
:   * avoid php if possible
:   * Developed using best practice to avoid secruity holes (though
: some will most likely exist)

It will be interesting tos ee what existing forum software meets all of
these requirements.

Mount a partition noexec, and write your own front end using a combo of whatever scripting skillz you got, and a regular expressions library. searching will be easy with find and locate, use the date command to timestamp things.
Every single message is now less than 10kb.

Seriously, we have dokuwiki, where is dokufora?

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