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Re: PakFiles & Portability

Jaroslav Benkovsky wrote:

>> >> (2) (almost the same issue as above) Is support for (sym-) links useful?
>> >Useful, yes.  Portable, no. :)
>If we are speaking about PAK files, it is portable.

Right. The file format itself is platform independent.

>> >> 64bit has the advantage of supporting files > 2GB, but implementing 64bit
>> >> values in C portably is a pain in the a**.
>> Well, I'll stick with internal 32bit handling for now...
>You can define that in version 1 of PAK files the offset size is 32

The Pak files will have 64 bit offsets, (writing these is no problem on a
32bit system). The decoding functions will handle these offsets as 'long'
(the data type used by fseek () and ftell ()) for now. That's 32 bit on

And that's perfectly ok, as long as the *actual* offsets fit in 32bits. So
the 1st generation code will have no problems handling the 64bit offsets
for Pak files <2Gig.

>bits. It is not probable to see games w/ 2GB+ files often soon. And the
>symlinks may even enable to link several CD's to one (virtual) big

Actually you don't even need symlinks for that, because the Archive
mechanism simulates a "perfectly normal" directory hierarchy (have a look
at the draft on
for more info on that.

>file. I hope that there's version info in the format?

Yep. Version info, endianness info, native int size info. You can liberally
mix Pak files generated by bigendian-64bit, littleendian-32bit and
littleendian-64bit systems without having to care.
(Well, of course the formats of the files stored in the Pak files have to
be able to handle that)


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