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Re: [pygame] pygame, LGPL and iPhone

I'm quite sure Python is ok. The apple's license just does not allow
downloading any extra stuff from the internet. I think they just want
to control all the application distribution through App Store. Some
people are using Lua in their App Store apps, so why not Python?

I found a good source for LGPL:
"I strongly recommend you contact the copyright holder prior to
building a statically linked application for distribution as a
commercial product."

This sentence on SDL's page confused me: "This license allows you to
use SDL freely in commercial programs as long as you link with the
dynamic library."

PS. The Symbian port should help with the iPhone porting effort since
it links the pygame modules statically as well and has the necessary
stuff for handling static modules already in-place.

2009/2/3 René Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx>:
> hi,
> I think it's ok to distribute your object code for LGPL things.  Read
> the section of the LGPL on object code, and see if it's ok for you.
> You'll probably want to ask apple, and a lawyer if it's ok to do that.
> So to be ok with the LGPL, include all the object code with your app -
> both for your app, and for the LGPL parts.  Then the user can relink
> the LGPL parts if they want, and you will satisfy that part of your
> obligations under the LGPL (I think).
> Again, check with a lawyer first... I'm not sure that's actually true.
> Of course, you'll need to port pygame to SDL 1.3 and the iphone...
> which is a fair amount of work.  At some point we'll port pygame to
> SDL 1.3... but currently it's unfinished, so we were waiting until SDL
> 1.3 gets closer to completion.
> Also, I'm not totally sure if you can sell python apps on the iphone.
> Some people say you can't, and some people reckon you can... but I
> haven't heard any offical word from apple that you can or can not.
> Nokia is much more supportive of python, and has many more phones out
> there, and also now has an app store.  Microsoft, and blackberry also
> now have stores... and are both *way* less draconian than apple.
> cheers,
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Jussi Toivola <jtoivola@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm not sure if most people are aware of this, but on iPhone, one can
>> not create shared libraries, only static libraries are allowed for
>> user applications. This is troublesome if somebody(*hint*) wants to
>> create commercial pygame applications for iPhone. If pygame is linked
>> as static library, all the sources fall under LGPL. The same goes for
>> SDL, but there is a mention of an alternative commercial license for
>> SDL 1.3( http://www.libsdl.org/license.php ). No details yet.
>> Are there any plans to change the licensing of pygame? For example,
>> cocos2d has a special license for iPhone(
>> http://cocos2d-iphone.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/LICENSE ).
>> ____________________
>> Jussi Toivola

Jussi Toivola