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Re: [pygame] PyGame enters official Debian archive

On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 04:19:42PM -0700, Pete Shinners wrote:
> Hurrah indeed. this is good to know. i'm thinking i should dismantle or
> update the debian package in the little pygame unofficial repository,
> since it is a couple package revisions behind this new version. is that
> sane?

I would dismantle it completely, and just point people to the Debian
archive.  Providing Ed keeps on the ball with new releases, you shouldn't
need your own copy.

Saying that, it might be wise to have a mirror there as well, just link
to it last and say it is just an unofficial mirror.
> well i can confirm that pygame compiles cleanly on MIPS. i don't think
> MIPS is one of the debian supported architectures, but it makes me fairly
> confident that there won't be any trouble when attempting to build outside
> x86 :]

Cool!  I don't know who and how has to actually do this (Debian have
"ports" teams that recompile lots of packages for a particular architecutre
and upload them), but I'm sure we'll find out soon.


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