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[school-core] Intro to Tux4Kids

(Sorry it took so long to send this introduction, but we've been a bit
busy as of late ;-)

Tux4Kids.org has recently joined Schoolforge. For those who may not know
anything about us, we are an organization dedicated to producing and
promoting quality educational software released under Free-Software or
other OSI Certified licenses. Currently we're responsible for such
titles as Tux Typing (just had our 1.0.2 release), Tux of Math Command,
and TuxPaint (Bill K.'s recent flurry of creativity ;-)

Tux4Kids started because of several discussions on the Tux Typing
mailing list almost two years ago about expanding and offering other
software titles. When we formed, we made it our goal to provide a suite
of similarily themed educational games. We've come far in this pursuit,
but we are always looking for additional help and developers.

Recently we were given a server donation from Sun's Global Education &
Research Team (this hasn't yet been officially announced) and have been
preparing to be able to offer independant or supplimental project
hosting for educational Free-Software or Open-Source projects.

More info on Tux4Kids:

As for me, I'm Sam Hart (sometimes called Criswell from my years drawing
comics online). I'm the current project leader for Tux4Kids. I was the
original author of Tux Typing, but now simply maintain the stable branch
while Jesse Andrews steers Tux Typing's main development. I have also
contributed most of the artwork used in the various Tux4Kids games, and
have recently formed a subgroup called "ImageWorks" to produce
additional artwork as needed. My wife (Cassandra Hart) had been a school
teacher for 8 years (though she is now back in grad school). Originally
I started Tux Typing as something she could use in her classroom (which
is why there is so much cruft in the code ;-)

More info on me:

(Hope this wasn't too long... I have a problem with being too verbose

Sam "Criswell" Hart <criswell@geekcomix.com> AIM, Yahoo!: <criswell4069>
Homepage: < http://www.geekcomix.com/snh/ >
PGP Info: < http://www.geekcomix.com/snh/contact/ >
Tux4Kids: < http://www.tux4kids.org/ >