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Re: [school-core] Intro to Tux4Kids

Perhaps other projects can introduce themselves as well? (or re-introduce if
it has been done before Dustycript joined?)

I'll be happy to introduce what it is we're doing at Dustyscript..

Samuel Hart wrote:

> (Sorry it took so long to send this introduction, but we've been a bit
> busy as of late ;-)
> Tux4Kids.org has recently joined Schoolforge. For those who may not know
> anything about us, we are an organization dedicated to producing and
> promoting quality educational software released under Free-Software or
> other OSI Certified licenses. Currently we're responsible for such
> titles as Tux Typing (just had our 1.0.2 release), Tux of Math Command,
> and TuxPaint (Bill K.'s recent flurry of creativity ;-)
> Tux4Kids started because of several discussions on the Tux Typing
> mailing list almost two years ago about expanding and offering other
> software titles. When we formed, we made it our goal to provide a suite
> of similarily themed educational games. We've come far in this pursuit,
> but we are always looking for additional help and developers.
> Recently we were given a server donation from Sun's Global Education &
> Research Team (this hasn't yet been officially announced) and have been
> preparing to be able to offer independant or supplimental project
> hosting for educational Free-Software or Open-Source projects.
> More info on Tux4Kids:
> http://www.tux4kids.org/
> http://www.tux4kids.org/tux4kids/goals/
> http://www.tux4kids.org/tux4kids/projects/
> http://tux4kids.carrolltoncityschools.net/admin/hosting/
> As for me, I'm Sam Hart (sometimes called Criswell from my years drawing
> comics online). I'm the current project leader for Tux4Kids. I was the
> original author of Tux Typing, but now simply maintain the stable branch
> while Jesse Andrews steers Tux Typing's main development. I have also
> contributed most of the artwork used in the various Tux4Kids games, and
> have recently formed a subgroup called "ImageWorks" to produce
> additional artwork as needed. My wife (Cassandra Hart) had been a school
> teacher for 8 years (though she is now back in grad school). Originally
> I started Tux Typing as something she could use in her classroom (which
> is why there is so much cruft in the code ;-)
> More info on me:
> http://geekcomix.com/snh/
> http://www.tux4kids.org/dm/tuxtype/
> http://www.geekcomix.com/si/
> (Hope this wasn't too long... I have a problem with being too verbose
> ;-)
> --
> Sam "Criswell" Hart <criswell@geekcomix.com> AIM, Yahoo!: <criswell4069>
> Homepage: < http://www.geekcomix.com/snh/ >
> PGP Info: < http://www.geekcomix.com/snh/contact/ >
> Tux4Kids: < http://www.tux4kids.org/ >


     Brainchild (and current obsession)
   >Dustyscript: Programming for Children<

      ||*Other projects that I head up*||
         >The xTable Project<<
       >Moonroof, a Java desktop<

|**Projects that I am dedicated to (but not in charge of)*||
   >Grapevine p2p network<
          "The Java Port"
http://sourceforge.net/projects/symbiosis  >Symbiosis<

weblog: http://wildegrey.blogspot.com/

"When I think back on all the crap I learned in High School...
it's a wonder I can think at all..."
  -Paul Simon, "Kodachrome"

"...I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the
  -Robert Frost