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[school-core] Re: Possible collaboration with schoolforge.net?

Dear Bryant and Candice,

This appears just right for us.

Candice.  You asked for a w-9.  I have to look up what that is.  That's how un-prepared I am for this.  However, if need be, I'll dive in.  Bryant's plan for disbursing the funds meets our needs nicely. 

Hoping this can go ahead; best wishes,


----- Message from bmp@xxxxxxxxx ---------
    Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 07:14:51 -0500
    From: Bryant Patten <bmp@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Possible collaboration with schoolforge.net?
      To: crose@xxxxxxxx
      Cc: David Bucknell <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello Candice -

David and I have been exploring using my non profit, The National Center for Open Source and Education (NCOSE) as the fiscal sponsor for spending this prize money to further the work of the SchoolForge team.  Our website is www.ncose.org

Let me know what information I should forward along to you - beyond our IRS EIN.  Would you need a copy of our 501 (c) (3) designation letter?   Because we didn't seek any outside funding during our first 3 years, we were re-classified as a 501 (c) (3) private foundation but I don't believe that prevents us from being SchoolForge's fiscal sponsor.

You would need to make the check out to NCOSE.   I will then deposit it in our checking account and then write checks to cover whatever expenses the SchoolForge team designates.  My brief reading of the IRS literature on this subject seems to indicate that NCOSE should disperse the funds directly (under David's direction) to insure that all funds are in line with the stated mission of the sponsoring non profit.  Given that both entities (NCOSE & SchoolForge) were founded to promote the use of Open Source software in schools, I don't foresee any conflict on this issue.

Looking forward to hearing from you and hope your holiday season goes well.

Bryant Patten
Executive Director 
The National Center for Open Source and Education

On Dec 24, 2011, at 4:05 AM, David Bucknell wrote:

Dear Bryant,

Here is the e-mail address of Canice Rose, who contacted us about the reward.  We have Justin, our Web master, to thank for applying.

Candice Rose <crose@xxxxxxxx>

Dear Canice,

Bryant has an non-profit in Vermont.  Could we work together with his kind assistance?

Best wishes to you both,


----- Message from opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------
    Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 10:21:52 -0500
    From: Bryant Patten <opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Possible collaboration with schoolforge.net?
      To: David Bucknell <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello David 

With the multiple holiday season in full gear , I imagine we are all very busy.

NCOSE is a one person operation with a very helpful advisory board so I am sure they will be in favor of this if it is legal.  I will double check on the legality but I am almost positive it won't be a problem.  I can get our tax ID # to the right person if you forward along their contact info.

Am I right in thinking that ultimately you are the recipient of this money - the money is for SchoolForge and you are SchoolForge?  Just trying to understand how the logistics of this might work:  1) Check gets made out to NCOSE and sent to me.  2) Check is deposited in NCOSE account  3) You tell me what checks to write (how much, to whom, etc).  Or I deposit the check and then write a check to you for the full amount.  

Let me know how you want this to roll out.  Also - do you need anything from me to assuage worries that I will abscond with the funds?  References?  Board members Donna Benjamin and Kathryn Moyle are in your area of the world - they will hopefully vouch for me.  :-)

Have a great holiday (if this is a holiday season in Bangkok!)


On Dec 22, 2011, at 5:31 AM, David Bucknell wrote:

Dear Bryant,

I'm sure you're busy, so I just wanted to thank you for extending some hope to schoolforge.net the other day.  It was kind of you to offer to help us out.  Just wondering if you've discussed the possibility of sponsoring our acceptance of this $1,000 grant with your colleagues.  Could you let us know if you think there is really any hope for this and how it might work?

Thanks very much.


David Bucknell

91 Suthisan, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
+66(0)84 329 1183 (cell); +66(0)2 693 8144 (Don't dial the zero (0) outside of Thailand.)

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----- End message from opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -----

91 Suthisan, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
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----- End message from bmp@xxxxxxxxx -----

91 Suthisan, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
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