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Re: [school-core] RE: cooperation


just went to the site - it's flash only?

mike eschman, etc ...

On Monday 24 February 2003 10:41 pm, mike eschman wrote:
. hello,
. we broadcast audio books at http://www.etc-edu.com,
. along with jazz and classical music.  i would love to
. replace the copyrighted mono degraded bandwidth music
. i use now with public domain.
. then i could remove the advertising from the site.
. is that feasible ?
. the whole copyright war has me to the point where in march, the music gets
. pulled anyway.  but it adds a lot.
. mike eschman, etc ...
. "Not just an afterthought ...
. On Monday 24 February 2003 09:47 pm, David Bucknell wrote:
. . Hi, thanks for the up-date <grin>.
. .
. . Quoting Sean Fredrick Keane <laugh@sean.keane.name>:
. .
. . > Hi!
. . >
. . > Yes, we did.
. . >
. . > Sorry... I am a STUDENT teacher... so not only do I have kindergarten,
. . > but I also have a full load of university classes... so I've been real
. . > sidetracked. :) thanks for the follow up message!!
. . >
. . > After I got your message that you couldn't find my post I realized that
. . > I had actually ended up posting to some other message group from a link
. . > off the sourceforge site. Whoops!
. .
. . Well, I've read the rest of your message and I hope your group _will_
 join . . schoolforge -- do you have a site? If you do, and are willing to
 put a logo . . (choose one from http://schoolforge.net/logos or make your
 own) on it .  (linked to . http://schoolforge.net) and participate in
 schoolforge-discuss .  (or have other . members do that!) then you're ready:
 go to
.  http://schoolforge.net/sfdiscuss.php . to join the mailing list and
.  http://seuldat.seul.org/cgi-bin/mementer0.pl to . fill out the membership
.  info. form.
. .
. .
. . > I also considered what you had said about membership and it does make
. . > more sense now.  I just thought it was a slightly cumbersome hurdle to
. . > participation.
. .
. . Anyone can join schoolforge-discuss and participate. I hope your
 colleagues .  will . do this. We have some really great people using open
 source tools to .  stream . broadcast and make cd's of free books and music.
 You all will fit .  right in. .
. . > As for Kempleton.com - the gist of it is that we are creating music
 that . . > may be suitable for royalty free use in education related
 projects - . . > open source music we like to think.  All music will be
 released under . . > the new CreativeCommons.org
 Attribuition-NonCommerical-ShareAlike . . > license - essentially public
. . >
. . > At this point there really needs to be a filter to designate music that
. . > is appropriate for young audiences (as there are a couple for mature
. . > audiences only), but you should know that there are a variety of
. . > perfectly appropriate instrumental albums from different artists in
. . > classical, acoustic guitar and ambient electronic genres.
. . >
. . > We are not quite sure how best to share this project with the public.
. . > We know that we would like people to feel free to use it, especially if
. . > they are in need of something to suit a particular license and are
. . > looking to avoid fees... we also thought that developers might feel at
. . > home listening to music that is ideologically compatible with their
. . > efforts - generous creative work without strings attached.  We are
. . > slowly making announcements in various nooks of the open source
. . > community.  Because I am now working in the educational domain I
 thought . . > it would be appropriate to share with people like yourself
 initially. . . >
. . > On a side note, I am formerly a web developer - I worked primarily
. . > scripting in Macromedia Flash.  I am always curious as to how I could
. . > integrate some of my skills into the primary school classroom.  Are
. . > there any projects on opensourceschools.org that are coded in flash? 
 Do . . > you know of other resources that might be helpful for technology .
 . > integration in primary education?  Thanks.
. .
. . There is lots of talk on the list about the flash format which is open
 and .  the . fact that an open tool to manipulate that format is still
 needed. . .
. . > sean
. . >
. . > Sean Fredrick Keane
. . > laugh@sean.keane.name
. . > http://sean.keane.name
. .
. . Best wishes,
. .
. . David
. . >
. . > -----Original Message-----
. . > From: David Bucknell [mailto:david@members.iteachnet.org]
. . > Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 10:03 PM
. . > To: Sean
. . > Subject: Re: cooperation
. . >
. . > Dear Sean,
. . >
. . > I _think_ we exchanged messages re your thoughts below. Or did we?
. . > <grin> Pretty busy here, as I'm sure you are as a kindergarten teacher.
. . > Let me know how we can work together.
. . >
. . > David Bucknell
. . > OpenSourceSchools.org and Schoolforge Membership
. . >
. . > ==
. . > On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 02:52:59AM -0500, Sean wrote:
. . > > Hi,
. . > >
. . > > I am a student teacher at a kindergarden in New York.  I have
 switched . . >
. . > > careers, having been trained in visual design and programming
. . > > previously.  The school I work at is about average with technology
. . > > integration, so there is much room for improvement. I am eager to
. . > apply
. . > > my previous experience to this new environment.  I am thankful for
. . > your
. . > > efforts to bring innovations to our schools.
. . > >
. . > > I have a few comments I would like to share.
. . > >
. . > > First, i would love to use the chat, but IRC isn't something that
 will . . >
. . > > be installed in our school machines and is not something i currently
. . > > have at home. while i am  familiar with various clients, I am largely
. . > > uninterested in the hassles it introduces to an otherwise simple
 task. . . >
. . > > perhaps you aren't aware, but there are java and Flash clients that
. . > can
. . > > rest in a web page and access an IRC server and channel seamlessly.
. . > > perhaps that would be something worthwhile to investigate?
. . > >
. . > > I am a little baffled by the prohibition of individual membership.
. . > your
. . > > mission statement conflicts with the suggestion that individuals are
 a . . >
. . > > valued resource.  i really have no official association. i am really
. . > > just a lone force. how does this restriction fit into the plan?
. . > >
. . > > while i look forward to contributing a variety of works, i do have
 one . . >
. . > > to share right now. i posted a note about it in the message board:
. . > >
. . > > Open Music for copyright free usage Our collective, Kempleton
. . > > (http://www.kempleton.com ), is working to produce and distribute
. . > music
. . > > created with the open source ideology in mind. Currently at 20 albums
. . > > by 11 different artists, a range of genres are represented and free
 to . . >
. . > > incorporate into your projects royalty free.  While in its infacy,
 the . . >
. . > > collective will begin to establish a section with K-12 usage in mind
 - . . >
. . > > in the meantime, please excuse content that may be inappropriate for
. . > > your audience. Perhaps you may now work on open software while
. . > > listening to music with a clearer conscience knowing that  you are
. . > > surrounded by like-minded creative support.
. . > >
. . > > thanks again,
. . > > Sean Keane
. . > >
. . > >
. . > >
. . > >
. . > >
. . >
. . >
. . >
. .
. .

(http://www.etc-edu.com ) Not just an afterthought ...