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[schoolforge] Resource Links

Hi again,

the web site is maintained primarily by me and Les Richardson - we're the 
ones to blame if it blows up.

Before the January 8th release we tried to compile a list of resources to
link in the 3 resource pages. The ideal would be that we link at least
each member organization, but we had not the time to browse each, write a
blurb and post.

It would be easier if each organization made up its paragraph (the idea 
is one paragraph per link; Could be more but see below about greed).

We don't want excessively long resource pages, they must be browseable and 
somewhat attractive, so don't be greedy to use more space.

We can spawn more resource pages if we find new categories that deserve 
them. We're open to suggestions (after all we are to represent all of you)

Those who miss being linked as resource, write the link paragraph as 
preferred (but remember that under schoolforge "we" is schoolforge, not 
your organization alone, be careful with pronouns) and mail it to me

One link that I particularly miss, maybe someone has it and I don't know 
or else we should write it, is a short (readable in 5 minutes) summary of
what free software can do for schools "now". It would go citing apache's 
features for school intranets, Wikis for collaborative composition, a 
handful of MTAs and list management software (Mailman, prob.) for mail 
handling, and then continue specializing on 3 threads: network 
administration, software for educators, software for students.
It shouldn't be a complete guide to every software package in the world, 
should be an oversight on what is availabel today, and somewhere in it it 
should be said the most of the software is available in regular OS 
distributions such as Red Hat, Debian and Mandrake.
(I know this text outline misses free curricula, lessons, etc., but it's 
meant to be focused on software)
[Well written, it's a nice /. bait, since I noticed that we miss being 
Any takers ?

Felipe Paulo Guazzi Bergo - Free Software Developer (bergo@seul.org)
GPG/PGP mail welcome - GPG/PGP Key: EF8EE808 (keyserver pgp.mit.edu)
http://www.advogato.org/person/khazad - Brasilia - DF - Brazil - Earth

* Kirk: "Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my clothes too!"