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[school-core] First real administrative decision


"jerryc," the representative from InnerPeace.Org, has just
unsubscribed from both the schoolforge-discuss and the
schoolforge-core mailing lists.  According to our operating
procedures, each member group must have a representative subscribed
to at least the schoolforge-core mailing list.  Should we view this
as a de facto withdrawal from membership by InnerPeace.Org?  If so,
what should we do about it?

My suggestion is that we contact InnerPeace.Org and ask if it is
their intent to withdraw from Schoolforge, or if they're just
changing representatives.  If they intend to withdraw, we should
remove their record from the members database.  If they're linked to
from any of our resources pages (I don't believe they are), we
should probably leave those links in place so long as they're
helpful to our goal of furthering the use of open resources in

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant