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Re: [school-core] Next public announcement

We Release 1.0RC1 to us that is good news =)

Matt Jezorek <matt@bluelinux.org> 
Blue Linux <http://bluelinux.org/>
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Lead Developer / Project Admin / Founder 
gpg fingerprint = 99C9 E059 13AF 751D 2BE4  4E10 601B DD7F D68A 2FB6 

Quoting Doug Loss <drloss@suscom.net>:

> A little while ago David Bucknell (or William Inch, I'm not sure)
> suggested that we should make public announcements under the Schoolforge
> name on a regular basis, to keep Schoolforge and its members visible to
> the world.  If we plan to do that, we should probably be thinking about
> doing something by Feb.12, roughly a month after our initial
> announcement.
> Do any of your groups have anything exciting coming up between now and
> then that we can showcase?  If not, maybe we can put the SIF discussions
> going on over on schoolforge-discuss into a new project and use its
> creation for the announcement.  But I think it would be better if we
> could point to something tangible that's happening.
> -- 
> Doug Loss          As long as I have you there is just
> drloss@suscom.net  one other thing I'll always need--
> (570) 326-3987     tremendous self control.
>                           Ashleigh Brilliant

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Open Education for the Mind