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Re: [school-core] Proposal for the Reorganization of Schoolforge


i have completed lecture notes on the rest of the planets of the solar system

they will be posted this week as time allows

the comets and the barrier between the solar system and the universe will 
complete the series

jonathan has begun development of the 3D video CDs that go with the notes

the student picks answers and sees animations using his suggested scenario
answer selection teaches

inverse ratios and gravitation cause and effect
gas / pressure laws
wave / particle theory

easily tied to a geometry or chemisty class

helps teach experimental procedure, logic and reasoning

enough of this and you would really have something in schoolforge

you sure are holding an empty hand now

stop being so greedy

you'll make more money


On Saturday 05 July 2003 16:22, Mark Rauterkus wrote:
> Hi All,
> > If not, then I think we will, some day, have to face this issue -- form a
> > Schoolforge org.
> Yes, to get married in a UNION of some type is always going to be a looming
> question. But, it may always be greeted with a reply of "no thanks."
> Thanks for the posting and raising the topic. But the thread needs clear,
> short, more robust benefits. Illustrate what would be availble as an entity
> that are NOT able to be capitalized upon now (as a loose group).
> Beyond the benefits -- I'd like faith that the execution and upside of such
> a formal union would come to pass.
>     We could all agree to play the LOTTERY, Power Ball, etc. Do they have
> this in India? Then if we won $26 Million -- we'd be able to have a well
> funded and staffed entity. Much great work could be done then. But, let's
> be real.
> > Am I the only one who sees the need?
> I don't see the need. But, I've got an open mind to sit back and have it
> presented again (and again and again if so desired by any among us).
> Ta.
> Mark Rauterkus
> mark@Rauterkus.com  http://Rauterkus.com
> http://CLOH.Org   http://Sunnyhill.org    http://www.Deliberate.com

gutenberg! yum!