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Re: [school-core] Proposal for the Reorganization of Schoolforge


A few questions here:

1.  How would dues payment affect those members that were founding
organizational representatives of Schoolforge back in January 2002?  I
don't recall seeing dues payment mentioned in Schoolforge's operating

2.  You mention services and so forth, but the server providing most
(albeit not all) resources for Schoolforge is the primary SEUL server.  Are
we saying that member organizations that currently have arrangements with
SEUL for free hosting would be cut off?

3. In the operating procedures (at
http://www.schoolforge.net/procedures.php), we state:

"Schoolforge membership is by groups, not by individuals. Individuals can,
and ought to be, members of one or more of the groups in the coalition, but
not members of the coalition itself."

Are we saying that we wish to abandon this?

4.  Finally, how would we deal with an individual who represents more than
one group?  Do they pay an annual fee or whatever for each group that they

Just thinking out loud here,


Michael Viron
Schoolforge Representative
General Education Online & International Education Resources

>I think we could have various levels of membership as the first step toward
>raising money. 
>Free individual membership,
>Full individual (paid) membership (some low fee with a few services such as a
>login, Web space and mail)
>Free org. membership (for deserving cases)
>Various levels of org. membership depending on the services they request.