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Re: [school-core] Re: bluelinux

Doug Loss wrote:
> Christopher Reed wrote:
> > Doug,
> >
> > Thanks for the hekp with the post. It looks like Bluelinux will have the
> > link inserter woking later today in their lists. This is really great
> > for us. I would like to make an announcement on the list when it is up.
> > We need to get money to you/seul/schoolforge. How do you want to go
> > about doing that? Should we look into creating a foundation, find a
> > foundation? WDYT?
> >
> > -Chris
> > --

> Thanks, Chris.  I'm CCing both the seul and the schoolforge-core mailing
> lists on this reply, since what we're talking about involves them both.
> Members of these lists, please visit the websites listed above to see what
> Chris and Affero are offering us.


Thanks for the post to the lists. I am excited to hear the responces 

Here is the link Matt set up at BlueLinux. Please notice the "How would
you categorize the contribution:" The system allows you to customize the
competencies. This feature is great for list moderators to undertant the
type of questions being asked and their ratings.

How valuable was this message? rate it at

The link is long but it is the only way we can track the individual
discussions and lists. If you click on the link you will see that Matt
is giving 5% to the Gnome Foundation and 5% to KDE. If Schoolforge or
Seul doesn't want the money or have doesn't have the mechanism to
receive it we can always give it to a school. I just added one in North
Carolina. See the Link below. 


The Banks school is looking for 50 new computers. 

> There are a few questions here for each group.  The first is, if we find
> ourselves the recipients of some money, what should we use it for?  The
> second is, how should we go about managing that money--who should hold it,
> how should it be invested, etc.?  I'm no expert at finances (ask my wife;
> she'll be glad to agree!), so I think it's best if we hear from a number of
> people on these and associated points.

I think what I am trying to say is lets just try the system and see if
it works. 


> --
> Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
> Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
> Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
> dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant