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Re: [school-core] Re: bluelinux

So... a kegger is out, then?

Maybe I can flip a question back..

What expenses are there currently in running Schoolforge.. the site... the list... etc... itself...?  Are those expenses (as Seul's, apparently desirably to the expender) coming out of some individual's pocket?

I can understand someone's desire to keep it 'clean' and outside-money free...but those expenses... I think one's costs can be covered with donations without feeling that someone is 'buying' you or your vision... I think the grey areas come in when the costs represented aren't real bottom line operating costs...  Often times an organization will then try to use the NFP money they get to fund, perhaps, a developer's 'donated' efforts, or the time that the webmaster spends, etc...

Those things, I think, in many ways, are labors of love for the goal of free education...  And I think things such as webhosting, hardware, etc..  Those things, are REAL operating costs.  Billable.  Measurable.

I also happen to wonder if we could get away with burning CDs of all of the regular projects, perhaps, every 3-4 months, and using the proceeds as the 'money' we come into... that is... the money that goes directly back into the schoolforge project itself...

It works for Debian.


Doug Loss wrote:

Christopher Reed wrote:

> Doug,
> Thanks for the hekp with the post. It looks like Bluelinux will have the
> link inserter woking later today in their lists. This is really great
> for us. I would like to make an announcement on the list when it is up.
> We need to get money to you/seul/schoolforge. How do you want to go
> about doing that? Should we look into creating a foundation, find a
> foundation? WDYT?
> -Chris
> --
> I'm a Peloton Member for Lance, Please help me raise money:
> http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=creed&p=LAF
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Office: 415 371 9900
> http://www.affero.com
> reed@affero.com
> reed@christopherreed.com

Thanks, Chris.  I'm CCing both the seul and the schoolforge-core mailing
lists on this reply, since what we're talking about involves them both.
Members of these lists, please visit the websites listed above to see what
Chris and Affero are offering us.

There are a few questions here for each group.  The first is, if we find
ourselves the recipients of some money, what should we use it for?  The
second is, how should we go about managing that money--who should hold it,
how should it be invested, etc.?  I'm no expert at finances (ask my wife;
she'll be glad to agree!), so I think it's best if we hear from a number of
people on these and associated points.

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant


     Brainchild (and current obsession)
   >Dustyscript: Programming for Children<

      ||*Projects that I head up*||
         >The xTable Project<
       >Freeblogging Weblog project<
       >Moonroof, a Java desktop<

|**Projects that I am dedicated to (but not in charge of)*||
   >Grapevine p2p network<
          "The Java Port"
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http://sourceforge.net/projects/icepik  >Icepik Streaming MP3 player<

[temporary weblog: http://www.geocities.com/xiarcel/weblogs/log.html<< ]

"When I think back on all the crap I learned in High School...
it's a wonder I can think at all..."
  -Paul Simon, "Kodachrome"

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