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[school-core] Regular media contact

Now that our press release has gone out I'd like to bring up a
point.  In talking with some folks on the #seul IRC channel, I
mentioned that in all the things we've sent out thus far I haven't
noticed much response from the mainstream or educational press.
None, actually.  They asked two immediate questions.  First, did I
individually recontact each of the people I sent the press release
to and ask them for a response or comment?  No, I didn't.  Second,
did I mail the release to them all in such a way that they could see
a large list of recipient addresses?  Yes, I did.  In retrospect,
both of these things should have been done oppositely.  I can only
plead inexperience with the care and handling of press contacts.

For that reason I'd like to ask for someone with more experience and
finesse in talking to the press to take over the dissemination of
our various press releases and other material for public
consumption.  It can clearly be done better than I've been doing
it.  The only reason I've been doing it at all is to keep things
moving along and not to let them get mired in endless
re-discussion.  But I think it's time for someone more capable to
take over this role.  Of course, I'll still push to keep things

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant