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[school-core] Re: Software categories

Hello, Laura and Justin.  You're doing your work thoughtfully, as usual.

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:37 PM, LM <lmemsm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I really like the idea of more curriculum oriented categories.  Think we
> should keep the categories like Computer Admin Tools, Compilations and
> Collections, Educational Games, etc. too though.  Some programs aren't
> directly curriculum related.
**I agree.  Don't see a way around it.

> I've been using the tags for general descriptions of software such as
> graphics editors, word processors, etc.  So if a user finds one of these
> programs he/she can look up other similar programs by the tags hopefully.
> I've also been using the tags for file formats.  If someone needs a PDF
> related tool, select the PDF tag.
****This sounds like a good strategy to me.

> Would be nice to eventually see a tag cloud or a way to search the tags as
> well.  For now, at least users can find an application of interest and then
> click on a tag to see similar applications.
***Justin, what about just plugging one in, such as
http://drupal.org/project/Tagadelic --? You wan to wait for a more
stable Drupal 7 version, right?

> Keep wondering about our Platform list.  We list several versions of Linux
> including a generic GNU/Linux, but don't list BSD or Unix at all.  I've been
> adding that information to system requirements too, but I don't know if
> there's any way to search the system requirements fields.

***Yeah, and as much as I love Debian (and ubuntu) and avidly used Red
Hat and all its friends before, there are plenty of Slackware and
Gentoo folks out there.  We _could_ strive to be absolutely
comprehensive, in which case we should add everything we find
including BSD.  (How do you list Unix these days?  I used to us HP
Unix, but that's it.)  How many cool little icons can we have, Justin?
 (I do like the eye-candy, and I _think_ this is useful because people
do like to know whether a binary exists for their platform, but ...
that info is also on the project download page ... usually.)
> Also found out there's a license called CeCILL which isn't yet approved by
> OSI, but is approved by FSF.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CeCILL for
> details.  A few of the programs we recently added were under the CeCILL
> license.  Wasn't sure if we should add that to our License list or just use
> something generic like Historic Permission Notice and link to the actual
> license for details.

***This is a very cool find.  If it gets approved by the FSF, it's a
shoe-in for OSI, isn't it?  Who knows who's interested in whose

***See whether you don't like this: https://schoolforge.net/node/161
I've added this to the Ok, let's add some software section: "Or, if
you're ready now, you can click here and go directly to the "Create
Software" Page."
I tend to like such hand-holding.  What do you think?

Take care,


> Sincerely,
> Laura
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 1:25 AM, David Bucknell <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> I think these should be added in your existing categories list -- you
>> could still do tags and probably should, once we figure out how to be
>> specific/general enough so they're not confusing.  (They are often confusing
>> on many sites, imho.)
>> Personally, I think there should be these curriculum-oriented categories:
>> Arts
>> Language Arts
>> Mathematics
>> Physical Education & Health
>> Sciences
>> Social Studies
>> After all, this is "school" forge.
>> Too long a list?


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