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Re: [school-core] multilingual web platform

Dear Grahame,

thank you for your interest in ESP :-)!
I am the Finnish ESP coordinator, a colleague of Karl Sarnow.
FYI, we have started preparing the 19th ESP conference 9-13th 2005 in Tampere Finland. Have a look at our site in http://esp.eduprojects.net.
Our main theme will be Mobile learning.
Before I invite you to the 19th conference in Finland Borivoj Brdcka will certainly invite you to Prague, Czech, where the 18th ESP conference will take place late March 2004.

Best regards,

Ilpo Halonen
ESPfi coordinator

P.S. You'll find Schoolforge discussions collected since 2002 in http://www.eduprojects.net/forum .

> I note with interest that you are still the German Co-ordinator for the
> European Schools Project. I used to receive regular emails and details of
> their annual conferences but I have heard absolutly nothing for over
a year
> now. Is it still active ?
> > Regards, Grahame

Yes it is. May be a bit more silent then before.



Dr. Karl Sarnow
Teacher at Gymnasium Isernhagen
German national co-ordinator of the European Schools Project
e-Mail: karl@dadoka.h.ni.schule.de
URL: http://www.shuttle.schule.de/h/dadoka