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Re: intro and thoughts on gperiodic

Doug Loss wrote:
> Kyle,
>    What would you think about having some "mode" buttons on the periodic
> table window that would change the color coding of the elements for
> chemical families, electron affinity, etc. as Rachel mentioned? 

I've made a small patch against gperiodic v1.2.1, and posted it to
Kyle. This patch enables to colorize elements according to their 
physical state :

There are two color dimensions concerned :

on the RED axis, the property concerned is Solid vs. fluid
on the BLUE axis, the property concerned is condensed vs gas.

There are three values along each axis, (the third value is reached
when the melting or boiling point is "n/a").

The method I use is quite general :

I define a function "colorize_element", which uses three colorscales,
where the second and the third can be NULL, and three criterions, which
are functions taking the info field of an element and output a real value
between zero and one, to express a (continuous or discrete) scalar
property, and returning a negative result if the property is not defined.

The patch contains the implementation of a color scheme concerning
le physical state of the elements at the temperatur of 298.15 kelvin
(25 degrees Celsius). I'd like to be able to modify the colorization
of the buttons just by dragging a temperature cursor somewhere, so I can
show the elements melting and boiling as I increase the temperature.

I think that this function "colorize_element" is enough for any idea
we can have concerning mapping properties to colors. The next useful
feature would be to make available some interpreter to build coloring
criterions at **run-time**. For instance a student would be able to map
atomic radius to the RED part of a colorscale, and molar weight to the
BLUE part of it, and still another property, (possibly calculated) to the
GREEN channel.

So there would be no need for "mode" buttons. Predefined modes would be
associated with predefined expressions to be interpreted in the
coloring machine, and any student would be able to create, save, retrieve,
newer modes. The button or menu item should rather be "coloring scheme",
near buttons or menus related to predefined schemes such as solid/liquid/gas,
or Pauling's electronegativity.

Georges Khaznadar,
Laboratoire de Dynamique et Structure des Materiaux Moleculaires
Equipe de Thermophysique de la Matiere Condensee - UPRESSA CNRS 8024
Universite du Littoral, MREID,145 Route du Pertuis d'Amont - M. Schumann

Telephone +33 (0)3 28 65 82 42
Fax       +33 (0)3 28 65 82 41
web       http://boltz.univ-littoral.fr/~ltpmc/