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Re: Group memory (was Re: [seul-edu] ebook readers and other such devices...)

> If anyone has a better idea on how to accomplish something like
> this, we're certainly eager to hear it.

Have you considered setting up a Wiki?  A Wiki is a collection of
collaboratively edited documents.  (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki)  The great part
about a Wiki is that once it is set up, anybody can add/edit/contribute.  No
one person is saddled with the editor's responsiblity.  I've seen the
Tcl'ers Wiki grow from nothing to a useful community resource at


Bob Techentin                                  techentin.robert@mayo.edu
Mayo Foundation                                           (507) 284-2702
Rochester MN, 55905 USA   http://www.mayo.edu/sppdg/sppdg_home_page.html