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[seul-edu] ISO Project redux

OK, folks, after some time off for R&R (rest and relaxation) I think
I'm ready to get back to being my mildly irritating self again.
Here's my first burr under the saddle: we _really_ need to get some
Phase 1 evaluations.  If you're not sure how to do them, just look
at this message
<http://archives.seul.org/seul/edu/Jul-2002/msg00052.html> and
follow the links.  Come on, folks, if we don't get this done the ISO
will never happen!  There have been a few people who have done some
evals on parts of the Application Index, but not nearly enough and
not on nearly enough of the listed apps.  This is our chance to
develop something truly useful in getting Linux and open source/free
software in general into the schools.  Are we all just observers,
watching what others do but not willing to put our own efforts into
the cause?

If you don't feel competent to evaluate the utility of educational
software to the schools, contact a teacher and ask for his or her
help!  If you don't know a teacher, ask a friend who has kids to put
you in contact with their teacher!  If the first teacher you talk to
isn't interested or can't commit to help, ask him or her to
recommend a colleague to talk to!  I'm taking exactly this track;
the teacher I'm working with is having computer problems, so if that
isn't resolved in a week or so I'll get her to use my computer at
home for the evals.  The main point is that everyone can do this.
WE can't all wait for the other guy to do this--we _all_ need to get
to work on it!

How valuable is my contribution?
Share your feedback at Affero:

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant