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Re: My doubts about Debian choice

Þann 08-Feb-98 skrifar jfm2@club-internet.fr:
> Whan I played competition chess it happened me not a few times than I
> had a superb strategic plan only than I was crushed a lot before
> applying it thaks to brilliant tactic moves of my opponnent.  That is
> one of the first lessons you learn: it is the coupling of strategy and
> tactics who differentiates a grand master from a normal man.
  It has very little to do with strategy... that's usually the arrogant
explanation, you'll hear from a self-important University Professor who feels he
would have given a much better relativity theory, than Einstein.

  I can create a program, that is a better mathematician than I am... it
doesn't mean I'm poor at math, nor that I'm good at programming.  It's
merely a statement of what I am ready to spend my time on... programming a
math tool, rather than bore myself over the formula.  I spend all my time on
programming, and I have very little patience in playing chess.  That is why I am
a good programmer, and a poor chessplayer.

  The same applies to SEUL... it's not a question of how grand our plans
are, or will be.  The end result is not measured in the time we spent
argueing about what we were going to do.  It's will be measured in what
we did.  And how much time we spend on perfecting it... just look at M$
and Windows... they finally managed to produce the NT... so, even Windows
could become useful :-)

Orn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@oehansen.pp.se
                                        voice+fax; +46 035 217194
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