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Re: FollowSymLinks

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:08:30PM -0400, tormaster@xxxxxxx wrote 1.4K bytes in 56 lines about:
: As xpdm is not hosted on a POSIX operating system, FollowSymLinks will
: not work and will not be available from that mirror. Users will either
: need to read the version numbers in the directory or download from the
: styled pages on the website that link directly to the intended
: versions rather than the "latest" symlinks.

I agree with Marcus here.  I hate symlinks.  The reason these are
symlinked is because we're told the Android Market wants one package name, not new
names every release.  If true, what a poor release system.

This is also true for the torbutton-current package.  

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

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