Mixed box $40
(plus delivery). For delivery week
5/4/01 to 11/4/01
- 500g Potatoes
- 500 Carrots
- 250g Beans
- 2 Corn Cobs
- 200g Mushrooms
- 500g Onions
- 1/4 Jap Pumpkin
- 1 Bunch Silverbeet
- 3 Zucchini
- 500g Grapes
- 6 Plums
- 6 Red Delicious
- 6 Bananas
- 4 Oranges
- 4 Pears
Subject to availability.
If any produce becomes
unavailable it will be replaced by other
produce of same the value.
is also a member of the Organic Retailers and Growers Association of
Australia (ORGAA) who regulates and audits
all practices to ensure a 100% guarantee of organic certification.
We cordially invite you to browse our easy to use secure ordering site
Our delivery area encompasses Sydney, Newcastle, Central Coast and
Wollongong, with a planned rollout to
other major centres & regional areas.
To unsubscribe from our
weekly specials update click here.
(We will not contact you in the
Most orders placed will be delivered within 24 hours, Monday to Friday,
and we accept all major credit cards
including Visa card, MasterCard, Bankcard and American Express.
The minimum order value is $40 plus a delivery charge of $7.00 per 25
Kilograms. A $2 surcharge applies to
our valued customers outside the Sydney metropolitan area.
Organic Food Express is located at 328 Windsor Street, Richmond NSW
2753 Australia. And can be contacted on
(02) 45885373 or faxed on (02) 45 885377.
You can visit our store 6 days per week between 9am-5pm Mon-Fri or
9am-1pm Saturdays, or our online-store 24
hours per day.