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Re: Tutorial campaign

Great to have someone finally tackling this!

On 15.01.2005 23:37, The Fox wrote:
> It's very 
> simple and small and I'm not quite sure about some issues:
> - is the size okay? The player _can_ move some units but the abilities 
> and ranges of different units would be more obvious on larger map with 
> more different units.

IMO a moderately bigger map would be indeed nicer, maybe something
like 15x15 or so.

> - I chose the "simulator" approach. Read the briefing and the 
> mission/campaign info and tell me what do you think.

I have two gripes with the map.

As it is supposed to be the very first map you can't expect the
player to know about blocking, jamming, or the effect of terrain
on combat results. Therefore, the player should have a much
superior force which isn't the case currently. I'd even take it
one step further: On the first map only place mines as enemies!
For another advantage of that apporach read on.

My second gripe has to do with the way the player is given
instructions. Currently you present one briefing containing
everything that has to be done. If you're new to CF I can imagine
it's a bit difficult to keep all the steps in mind. It would be
better to give step by step instructions. E.g. in the briefing
you say something like

".... You can select units by
double-clicking their icons.
Start by selecting your Heavy Tanks in the northern part of the
map and moving them next to the blue Mines blocking the road
to the south."

Then create an event that's triggered by the Heavy Tanks moving
up next to the Mines.

"Well done. Now we try to clear the road and destroy the Mines.
You can attack..."

When the Mines have been destroyed you can trigger the next
set of instructions, and so on. For the tutorial missions in
general I think you will have to use lots of events. In fact,
we may even have to add a few more events or triggers to
make the turorial work nicely.

> - I'm not sure what to write in the blue's briefing. These maps are 
> supposed to be played by one player *only*, it would be nice to bo 
> able to restrict two-playerrs game on selected maps. And consider 
> preventing these maps from appearing in skirmishes.

Yes, might be a good idea. If we only allow those maps in campaign
mode the blue briefing won't be an issue, either.

> - if you find the map layout ok, try to "fix" the forest tiles. I 
> can't clearly see which tiles fit on which edge of the forest.

The first two dense forests a single tiles. The next four are
north, west, east, south, in that order.
