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New Tileset, the second


I made some progress with my tileset and attached it for review. I
attached the *.tsrc file as well, because I started to add a file
description to it that might be useful for others. 

I also made a demo level so that you could see the tiles in action :-)

The tileset is compressed again so windows users need to unpack
the file first as Jens decribed.

Comments are welcome

  Best Regards

Attachment: grimm.tiles
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: test.lev
Description: Binary data

name = grimm
icons = Grimm.bmp
class0 = 8
class1 = 9
class2 = 10
class3 = 11
class4 = 12
class5 = 13
class6 = 14
class7 = 15
class8 = 16
class9 = 17

# description of tiles

# Header. Each tile description must start with it.
# [tile]

# Terrain class. At least one terrain type must be attached to a tile.
# The identifier 'terrain' might appear multiple times to define more
# than one terain type. The class id above corresponds to this terrain
# types: Class0 = 'plains', class1 = 'forrest', etc.
#   terrain = 'plains', 'forest', 'mountains', 'trenches', 'rails',
#             'shallowwater', 'deepwater', 'shop', 'rough', 'forbidden',
#             'road', 'swamp', 'water', 'lake', 'restricted'
# The number of the icon in the image that should represent this tile.
#   icon = <int>
# The move modifier. Values below -1 will be clipped. This value defines
# how much move points are needed to cross this tile.
#   move = <int>
# The color definition consists of three byte values representing red,
# green and blue. This value defines which colour this tile should have
# in the map overview. 
#   color = <R, G, B>
# The attack modifier, -20%..+20%
#   attack = <int>
# The defence modifier, -20%..+20%
#   defend = <int>

# Grassland
terrain = plains
icon = 8
color = 145,144,117
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = plains
icon = 9
color = 145,144,117
move = 3
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = forest
icon = 10
color = 72,100,77
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = forest
icon = 11
color = 72,100,77
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = forest
icon = 12
color = 72,100,77
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = forest
icon = 13
color = 72,100,77
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = rough
icon = 14
color = 152,145,140
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = rough
icon = 15
color = 152,145,140
move = 3
attack = 3
defend = 3

terrain = rough
icon = 16
color = 152,145,140
move = 3
attack = 3
defend = 3

terrain = mountains
icon = 17
color = 98,80,61
move = 4
attack = 15
defend = 15

terrain = mountains
icon = 18
color = 98,80,61
move = 4
attack = 15
defend = 15

terrain = mountains
icon = 19
color = 98,80,61
move = 4
attack = 15
defend = 15

terrain = mountains
icon = 20
color = 98,80,61
move = 4
attack = 15
defend = 15

terrain = mountains
icon = 21
color = 98,80,61
move = 4
attack = 15
defend = 15

terrain = mountains
icon = 22
color = 98,80,61
move = 4
attack = 15
defend = 15

# Willow
terrain = plains
icon = 23
color = 89,108,95
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = plains
icon = 9
color = 89,108,95
move = 24
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = forest
icon = 25
color = 51,77,75
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = forest
icon = 26
color = 51,77,75
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = forest
icon = 27
color = 51,77,75
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = forest
icon = 28
color = 51,77,75
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = rough
icon = 29
color = 152,145,140
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = rough
icon = 30
color = 152,145,140
move = 3
attack = 3
defend = 3

terrain = rough
icon = 31
color = 152,145,140
move = 3
attack = 3
defend = 3

# Desert
terrain = plains
icon = 32
color = 178,155,109
move = 2
attack = 1
defend = 1

terrain = plains
icon = 33
color = 178,155,109
move = 2
attack = 1
defend = 0

terrain = plains
icon = 34
color = 142,128,93
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = plains
icon = 35
color = 107,112,104
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = plains
icon = 36
color = 165,159,139
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

# Grassland coastline

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 37
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 38
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 39
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 40
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 41
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 42
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 43
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 44
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 45
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 46
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 47
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 48
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 49
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 50
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 51
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 52
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 53
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 54
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 55
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 56
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 57
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 58
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 59
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
icon = 60
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

# Sea
terrain = shallowwater
icon = 61
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = water
icon = 62
color = 10,140,163
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = deepwater
icon = 63
color = 58,100,123
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0

terrain = shallowwater
terrain = forbidden
icon = 64
color = 0,177,197
move = 2
attack = 0
defend = 0