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[PATCH] Polish update

I've translated RadioSilence and made a few updates to all files
(including language template). Patch included, gzipped, because I'm
tired of fighting my MUA for correct encoding.

Also please take a look at RadioSilence, IMHO the ending messages for
different fractions got messed up (at least when I move some infantry
into rebel command post I get a You've lost message, and FNA gets
'You've stopped FNA. You've won')

And I've noticed that author messages sometimes look like 'by somebody'
and sometimes 'By somebody' (notice the capitalisation). I think it
would look nicer with some consistency.

 Waclaw "Torinthiel" Schiller       GG#: 542916, 3073512
   gpg: B06901F1 fpr: FAA3 559F CAE9 34DE CDC8  7346 2B6E 39F2 B069 01F1
 "No classmates may be used during this examination"

Attachment: pl.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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Description: PGP signature