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Re: Polish translation

On 09.10.2004 23:59, Torinthiel wrote:
Ok, so here is translation for Uprising and the new string for General.

I hope the patches made it unscrewed by my mailer.
They didn't.

And some other issues - I don't know if You can do anything about the
font but it's not quite good.
Have you tried using the font with some other program (like your desktop
or something)? SDL_ttf apparently has a few issues with some glyphs
(e.g. the German 'ö', too), so some things may not be the font's fault.
If it's indeed the font, we have several options:

- fix the font ourselves
- try to get the Bepa-Roman maintainer to correct the issues
- switch to another font

We probably don't have anyone with the skills to fix the font ourselves,
and fixes should go upstream anyway. The Bepa-Roman font we currently
use is a derivative of the Bitstream Vera fonts. There are a lot of
modifications around. The most active project seems to be the DejáVu
font (http://dejavu.sourceforge.net/) which has recently started to
merge with Bepa-Roman. Can you try that one? If it also has the issues
you noticed the best chance to get them fixed is to talk to the DejáVu
maintainer(s) directly.

And completely out of translations topic - Can anyone tell me why
General.src is made executable by the CVS?
The file originally came from a FAT fs which causes the files to
always be executable on Linux. Unfortunately, I didn't adjust the
flag before checking the file in. I'm not sure if CVS also updates
the file attributes when a file gets committed. If it does, the
executable bit will go away when your changes go in. If it doesn't
I'll have to investigate how to toggle it manually.

Also, it would be nice if one could load transport units in base
You're right, this limitation is a little annoying sometimes.
However, it's non-trivial to implement and I'm not sure whether
it's really worth the effort. At least I usually find something
else I'd rather invest my time in.
