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Re: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] new langage ?
cedric wrote:
> > I really don't want to be tied to a single programming language. No
> > matter what it's called or who invented it.
> >
> > In order to support arbitrary languages, we need a native code generator
> > that transforms an intermediate code representation into F-CPU machine
> > code, and maybe also performs machine-dependent optimizations. I suggest
> > we concentrate on this piece and worry about the language-specific
> > front-end (which generates the intermediate code) later.
> >
> > That is, we have two things to do:
> >
> > - define an appropriate (universally usable) intermediate code
> > - write code that maps it to F-CPU instructions
> So you really want to create your own compiler, you now that gcc actually does
> all what we need ? It scan/parse the code, then generate a abstract syntax
> tree and then use the back end specification to translate this tree into asm
> for this specific architecture.
> And this translation can do some optimisation. If you want more about gcc
> backend I think it's chapter 20 of its documentation.
Two or three years ago, there a paper called "Porting GCC for Dummies"
("PGCCFD") in PostScript. does anyone know where it is ?
> A+
> Cedric
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