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[f-cpu] last news about licence
Hello everybody,
I just have a big conversation about the licende issue with Mélanie
Clément Fontaine. She's a lawyer who make a thesis about the
applicability of the GPL to the french law.
It was hard (;p) to explain all the issue of the hardware compare to the
software. But the result are there. So the source code is protected as
in the software world. There is also a protection on the mask file
(GDS2) because you could only produice it with the previous code. So
using GS2 file to by pass the licence, isn't really possible.
So if we use the GPL it's impossible to mix it with proprietary code (so
we can't distribut it as an ip).
If we use the LGPL, it's possible (as for library) to use with other
type of code.
Or we can create all knew licence, with the definition of interface
(API). But we will have problem to write it without a lawyer.
As you should know i prefer to use a licence to distribut the fcpu as an
IP. So i suggest to translate our current licence to LPGL. It's possible
because only Michael, Whygee and Cedric had written code. They own the
copyright on there code. So there knew code version could use LGPL
Comments ?
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