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Re: [f-cpu] Manual update
hi !
nicO wrote:
> I reread the manual for fcpu presentation at 18c3 and i found a lot of
> little thing to change or discuss. How can we do that.
> Where is the on going latex version ? How can we do to change things ?
Olivier doesn't answer my mails, i don't know why.
> I could imagine that i post the change to the list and then if every
> body agree, the personn in charge change the manual ?
ideally, this is the procedure...
> I know that there is a cvs somewhere. Micheal, it seems that you manage it.
> Or, maybe could we create an account an savannah ? To center things ?
i think there's already an account there but it's not used.
however, the thing that matters most _now_ is the source code.
a lot of things in the manual must be readjsuted, but it would take
too much time to play catch-up... at least for me.
i think that during this conference, you will have to concentrate
more on "facts" than "theory", because now we have the chance to
have more "meat" (source code) than ever. People will be less frustrated
than last year.
btw, did cedric give you my CD ?
> nicO
PS: merry Xmas, happy new year etc :-)
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