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Rep:Re: Rep:Re: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] signed cmpl
- To: <f-cpu@seul.org>
- Subject: Rep:Re: Rep:Re: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] signed cmpl
- From: "Nicolas Boulay" <nicolas.boulay@ifrance.com>
- Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 15:33:56 GMT
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-----Message d'origine-----
De: devik <devik@cdi.cz>
A: <f-cpu@seul.org>
Date: 20/12/02
Objet: Re: Rep:Re: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] signed cmpl
> > So that 202 insns ARE in 6bit range but these was constants 1 and -1
> > often (addi) - I didn't implemented INC/DEC yet. There was 82 of
> > As conclusion from 275 immediates 120 (202-82) can be coded into
> > 6 bits.
> And from that, how much can't use the actual 8 bits version (because 2
> flag bitsdisappear ?)
I'm afraid I have not understood your question. Are you asking for insn
whose need more than 8 bits ?
Now it exist an instruction format using 8 bits immediats by stolen 2
bits in the flag field of the instruction word. I don't like it because
it stole those 2 bits, so not every reg-reg->reg instructions could use
8 bits immediat. 6 bits will do it. So what is the number of
instructions using immediat between -32 and 32 and that can't use the 8
bits immediat version of each instruction because it miss those 2 flag
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