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[f-cpu] Stay calm(e)
- To: <f-cpu@seul.org>
- Subject: [f-cpu] Stay calm(e)
- From: "Nicolas Boulay" <nicolas.boulay@ifrance.com>
- Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 11:29:32 GMT
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oups ! Stay calme everyone !
I know there is far too much web site or internet tools for FCPU. But
the big problem is to have a true maintener for this site.
Daique is maybe doing things too quick and forgot to speak about it on
main english mailling list.
We used "mostly" test file on CVS and i beleive that is not too big even
for a dial-up line (i use my self a dial up line). The install is not
finish yet. Directory should be decide now.
I have work a little bit with CVS on a team developpement and it's
really fun and quick, if every one respect some rules. Cedric propose to
use read only CVS + a maintener per part to avoid problems.
I personnaly think it's a good idea. Daique propose to maintain all of
this. Let him do it.
-----Message d'origine-----
De: "Christophe" <christophe.avoinne@laposte.net>
A: <f-cpu@seul.org>
Date: 12/06/02
Objet: Re: [f-cpu] There's something going wrong here...
First, any developpements outside CVS is a nightmare to synchronise. You
developped their own versions in your corner and it is a real mess when
I try
to have a complete version. I'm really fed up with downloading big
because people are unable to synchronize their works in a global
This project is meant to be developped by a team, so we need a
software, that is CVS or likes.
I prefer to get the last updates instead of downloading the whole
everytime, so that way I'm sure that I get the real last developpement.
A project without CVS cannot be seriously considered. All good
programmers know
very well that fact.
What we just want is :
- english-spoken
- a main homepage frequently updated (news, manual on-line, etc.)
- a main CVS repositary for source
tuxfamily.org was chosen for this purpose.
If there are other homepages, we should consider moving interesting
stuff in
the main homepage, so we can really concentrate our works on a main
and a main CVS repositary. Mirroring can be considered on other servers.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Riepe <michael@stud.uni-hannover.de>
To: F-CPU Mailing List <f-cpu@seul.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 8:06 PM
Subject: [f-cpu] There's something going wrong here...
> I just found out that I have a CVS account on tuxfamily.org and that
> obviously the F-CPU sources are now located there (or shall be, at
> Of course nobody told me about it before, as usual.
> What's it gonna be, boys? Homepage and CVS moving *again*? We already
> have *too many* homepages and *too many* source trees scattered all
> over the web - but even ten thousand web sites can't speed up the
> development. They may slow it down, however.
> Besides that, I still refuse to put my code-in-progress into a remote
> for reasons I stated several times, long ago - remember my dial-up
> I also refuse to work with a site which talks to me in a language I
> don't understand, i.e. everything but english or german.
> Therefore, I do not support this move. I suggest that you (whoever
> initiated this) concentrate on the design and implementation of the
> F-CPU and tools and stop `collecting' homepages and CVS archives.
> --
> Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
> "All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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