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Rep:Re: [f-cpu] Where I can put my asm code
- To: <f-cpu@seul.org>
- Subject: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] Where I can put my asm code
- From: "Nicolas Boulay" <nicolas.boulay@ifrance.com>
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:19:20 GMT
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-----Message d'origine-----
De: Thomas Lavergne <thomas.lavergne@laposte.net>
A: f-cpu@seul.org
Date: 13/06/02
Objet: Re: [f-cpu] Where I can put my asm code
Nicolas Boulay wrote:
> Don't forget to put your licence with it (GPL !).
I'm sorry but I prefer release my code under the Expat Licence, clerly
it say you can do all you want with code but you must keep my copyright
and do not claim you have wrote the code.
For stuff like these small code I think it was best than GPL.
>>> Expat licence are the MIT licence. I don't understand why you want
take the risk to have you're code stolen !
>>> If a part of the code will be used inside a librairy, the code
should be change to LGPL. But it could be a choice to force using GPL
code (MS will attack by saying : "you see, GPL is a virus destroying
you're business").
>>> It's finaly hard to choose ! If the piece of code "could" be used in
*every* program, it should be possible to use it inside proprietary code
to spread the use of F-CPU. But it's not fear not to have something in
return. LGPL could be a nice balance.
I don't want to start a troll and it's just an information, and I known
that the fcpu licence (for the hardware) was frenquently discussed here
and the gpl have finally won. But does anyone have made a paper that
explain the reason of this choice, I don't critic it but just want to
known why this and not another.
Thomas Lavergne "Le vrai rêveur est celui qui rêve
de l'impossible." (Elsa
d-12@laposte.net ICQ:#137121910 http://assoc.wanadoo.fr/thallium/
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