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Re: [f-cpu] about the server(s)
hi !
Ben Franchuk wrote:
> Yann Guidon wrote:
> >
> > hi !
> > i'm going to invest some money in RC models anyway :-)
> Take a week off (the F-Cpu) and just go flying!
that is what i'd like to do since last summer...
I had bought a "Twinstar" from Multiplex but i'm deceived.
i compare it to a "flying airbrake" and the building is
not as easy and straight-forward as they pretend.
i'm probably going to buy a LearJet from Kyosho
but i'm concerned about the wingloading...
if you can't reach me, the phone still works ;-)
and don't complain about nothing going as you'd expect,
everybody needs some vacations ;-)
> > yeah, i know... i have a spare Pentium 100 if needed.
> > The power supply should be enhanced by a safer one
> > (or redundant) but it's an AT board.
> But really why all this fuss on speed?
that's all the point of a server. Otherwise, i can
do the same at home... heh :-P
> A slow sever is better than NO server.
yeah but the laptop is more interesting
even though i can't exceed 160MB RAM.
> I am sure since WHYGEE does
> not have HUGE banner adds and Streaming audio and video
> the bandwidth will be minimum.
well the bandwidth is one thing.
running regression tests can load a machine to death...
> +------------------ WARNING ---------------------------+
> | The F-CPU Server may be slow but that is all we have |
> +------------------------------------------------------+
nice banner :-)
it remembers me of some silly car stickers from a french humor magazine :
"I'm not out of order, the screen is in the other side"
"Don't steal me, i'm already oldfashioned"
"When i'll be older, i'll be a CRAY T94"
"I accept Cyberhickers"
"My computer doesn't run fast, but i am before it"
<font size="-3">"if you can read that, you're too close from the screen"</font>
<font size="+3">"if you can't read that, you're too far !"</font>
"Lora Craft on board"
> The second thing with Free tools and F-cpu is how long will
> the F-CPU be in the FPGA stage ?
i don't know when it will start, but if it does,
i doubt it would ever end ;-)
> If it only will be a few months
> for proto-types/demos until you can get a design in real silicon
> why bother with free FPGA software and concentrate for the later
> silicon designs in real hardware.
that's what we'd think. However, in practice, it's never so easy...
i hope you were right :-)
> Ben.
np: FSOL, "Lifeforms"
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