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gEDA-bug: [ geda-Bugs-2460301 ] Embeded symbol contents different depending on how embedded

Bugs item #2460301, was opened at 2008-12-23 04:08
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Peter Clifton (petercjclifton)
Assigned to: Peter Clifton (petercjclifton)
Summary: Embeded symbol contents different depending on how embedded

Initial Comment:
If a symbol is embeded from the component selector, attributes which are promoted are not present in the embdedded symbol contents.

If a symbol is placed normally, the prim_objs retain the promoted attributes. If we then embed this complex, the embeded symbol retains the attributes from the original symbol which were promoted.

This appears to be since as the object is copied from the place list, the symbol is fetched from the symbol cache again, complete with attributes. Since "keep_invisible" is set, the call to o_complex_remove_promotable_attribs (toplevel, new_obj); inside o_complex_copy() hides the promotable attributes. (Where in fact we're already got local copies anyway).

It actually seems that this is more in the spirit of "keep_invisible", and the fact that attributes are promoted out of, rather than copied from inside the COMPLEX is a bug in this case.


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