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Re: gEDA-user: Re: icarus verilog and jeda
Atsushi Kasuya said:
> My understanding is that Icarus verilog does not support PLI 1.0
> interface, so current Jeda won't work with it.
That is a correct statement. In fact, I have no plans to ever implement
PLI 1.0 in the core simulation engine. However, I have pointed out in
the geda-dev list that the VPI is complete enough that it can be used
to implement a PLI 1.0 interface (tf_ and acc_ routines) so if I were
to receive patches to the libvpi library to implement PLI 1.0 using
the VPI of the core, that would be good.
john_g@cibolo.com said:
> The jeda author sent me another note about his VPI interface, saying
> he will send it to me in an alpha state--he is adding to it right
> now.
Of course, that's even better:-) If Atsushi wishes to contact me
directly about particular failings in the Icarus Verilog VPI, that's
fine too. There aren't many VPI programmers out there, so there is
a big hole in the ivl-bugs database.
Steve Williams "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at icarus.com But I have promises to keep,
steve at picturel.com and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com And lines to code before I sleep."