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Re: gEDA-user: Finished drawing two sided board in PCB. Any comment?

On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 00:38:09 -0400
9000 VAX <vax9000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The .gbr files are posted at
> http://www.geocities.com/mscpscsi/board.zip. Any comment? I am new in
> drawing PCB with gEDA/PCB. Please let me know if I made mistakes.
> Thanks.
> vax, 9000


This layout looks nice! However, I've found something at near location
500,4870. This pad is grounded on one side, but the other side the wire
clears the little polygon.

This funy thing shold have made automatically. I'd push the developers to do
it... It would be nice to have dead polygon removal, and auto thermal placing.



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