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Re: gEDA-user: Finished drawing two sided board in PCB. Any comment?

Em Sex 29 Abr 2005 01:38, 9000 VAX escreveu:
> The .gbr files are posted at
> http://www.geocities.com/mscpscsi/board.zip. Any comment? I am new in
> drawing PCB with gEDA/PCB. Please let me know if I made mistakes.
> Thanks.
> vax, 9000

Hello VAX, I would like to take a look to your draw but looking to gerber 
files is not easy, I like to look at the board, highlight nets to see where 
they are going, the drill chart, etc. So, if you still want to me to take a 
look, attach the .pcb file I will be glad to try to help you.