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Re: gEDA-user: gsch 74-series library parts

> > I am a bit puzzled by these parts....the value (e.g. "7404") is embedded
> > into them as text.
> I asked the question months ago and the answer is related to the
> intention to generate outputs to timing simulation programs.

Thanks. I will trawl through the archives for the posting.  It makes even less 
sense now:  timing info conveyed by hard-coding of part values that ignore 
the logic family?!

> I ended up with creating my own symbols. You may copy the libray
> symbols to your own symbol directory, and edit them with a file editor
> or gschem.

OK...reassuring to know I am not alone doing this :-) I can feel a Perl script 
coming on...one that zaps those labels from the 74-series parts.
